Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two Super Easy Recipes

Age: 4-6 months
(but my babygirl still eats these & she is 9 months)

1. Bananas 

My daughter LOVES bananas.
For a while it was one of
the few things she would eat. 
It is still one of her favorite foods & she
eats them probably more often than she should. 

Peel the banana. Whip it up in a food processor. finito! OR you can mash it up. Whatever your baby can handle.

Unfortunately bananas don't save. So if you don't think baby will eat very much, take half for yourself!

2. Pears

Another thing we always seem to be buying at the 
farmer's market/grocery store is pears. SiennaJane loves pears. 

Peel the pear with a knife or a peeler. Slice off chunks into the steaming basket of a baby food processor or the steaming basket of a pan. Steam for 5-10 minutes (depending on what method you use, my baby brezza automatically does 10 minutes, but sometimes I take it off early - it varies based on the ripeness of the pear) Blend it up with a food processor and serve once cooled. 

The great thing about the pears is you can make them in a small amount of time & then you can save what you don't think baby will eat. You can even serve them cold right out of the refrigerator. 

SAFTEY NOTES: Once baby has eaten out of the container your serving her in, do NOT refrigerate it. Bacteria will form and cause the food to go bad. 

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