Thursday, June 23, 2011

California Girls Eat Avocado

Plus, its SO easy to make.

What you'll need:

Cutting Board (if you want one)

1/2 an Avocado
teaspoon of Lime or Tangerine juice

Slice the avocado in half length-wise. Remove the pit (do this with the knife by tapping the pit and then twisting while the knife is still lodged in the pit, should come out pretty easily if you do it right). Scoop the meat out of the skin with a spoon- or I just use to fork so I don't dirty more dishes, careful not to get any of the bitter dark meat, squeeze the lime juice in and mash it up with a fork. Now baby is ready for a snack!


  • if you want to save the avocado then just keep the pit in the half and it will last longer. 
  • baby probably won't eat much of this, especially if its her first time, so you get to eat the other half as a snack :)
  • you can always puree this in a food processor, it will give it a completely different texture - VERY smooth and creamy 

Sorrry this is on Thursday & not Wednesday. Better late than never??

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